
Malaysian people - 马来西亚的民族



马来西亚半岛的原住民有20个部落,被称为土著,也就是“土地的孩子”的意思。西马的原住民可分为3大部落:舍蔓 (Semang),舍诺伊,和甲琨。其中舍蔓部落是最古老的原住民,曾经是高山雨林森林里的游牧民族。他们主要集中在吉兰丹,登嘉楼,霹雳,吉打和彭亨的北部。舍蔓部落又可以分成6个较小的部落:巴特,佳海,肯斯武,金打,拉挪和门迪瑞。




Malaysian People

Malaysia is a multi racial country with multi cultural society. Malaysian live together with harmonious and peaceful. In Malaysia, not matter what religious you believed in, you will get respect from all the Malaysians, this always amazed the tourist who come over Malaysia. The populations of Malaysia are make up of Malays with 54%, Chinese with 24% and 8% of Indians. These three populations are the major ethnic group of Malaysia. The aborigines ethnic groups in East Malaysia, Sabah and

Srawak, comprises 4% of population of Malaysian.

The aborigine ethnic in Peninsular Malaysia can be divided into 20 tribes. The government of Malaysia called them as Bumiputra, means the sons of the soil. The Bumiputra in peninsular Malaysia or West Malaysia, can be divided into 3 main tribes, namely Semang, Senoi, and Jakun. The Semang Tribe, formed as Negrotis is the oldest tribe of Malaysia. They were the nomads in the mountains and rain forests. They mostly can be found at Kelantan, Terengganu and the northern of Perak, Kedah and Pahang. The Semang tribes can be divided into 6 smaller tribes, namedly Batek, Jahai, Kensiu, Kintak, Lanoh and Mendrik.

Senoi tribe is the largest tribe of the aborigine groups. They separated at the highlands of Kelantan, perak, Pahang and Selangor. The Senoi tribe can be divided into 5 smaller tries: Semai, Temiar, Mah Meri, Jahut and Che’ Wong.

The tribe that distributed at southern Melaka, Sembilan and Johor is the Peroto-Malay. This tribe most probably is same origin with the Malays. The Jakun and Temuan are the tribes that first move from the Yunnan, China and Indonesia.

Sabah has more than 32 indigenous groups. Among them, Kadazan-Dusun, Murut and Bajau are the major group.

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